Monday, September 28, 2015

who cares

we are alive because we are alive. research into that is a waste of time because who cares? i will walk the beaten path before me singing my own beats and rhythm, beating my cazon under me clad with guitar. my tunes are for me; they're about the sun moon stars clouds waves apparitions reflections and more. so much more. nature is everywhere for us. moments pass and so do their revelations. the human world doesn't give a shit about human revelations. they never did, they never do and they never will about mine. nature loves me all the fucking time. humans do not. even right now, some of you human readers are wondering 'should i continue reading this'? i don't care. as if you do?

Friday, September 25, 2015

essem beevee

so Jurnei ....
i've had some losses recently ....
but Gain's they will prove .....

i miss the people and the customers but i bid godspeed to the coworkers .....
abusers of a good job ......

shall i lose ecclasia or the many different forms?

i thought i was floating on clouds ......
but i realize it is a tiny strand of .....
bubbles ......
and i am on one?
or in one?

and tis ready to burst!