Saturday, February 14, 2015


TWO SHOTS OF WILD TURKEY FOR ME!  happy fucking valentines day to me.  lemme guess ..... after this rant again'st false FALSE love, i will get excluded here TOO?!  i don't doubt it.  that's how the bride works or organizations who attempt at modeling the image of the bride.  I'LL HAVE ANOTHER SHOT!  everybody else in this world is worth being alive.  NOT ME!  obviously.  it is always a happy valentines day for the empty and never for me, who is spited for being full of himself.  i am full of the Glory!  He rests in me while i crash effortlessly!  ANOTHER SHOT!!  my love is real because real love is fake.  LAST CALL!!  i bet this will get deleted because i speak my feelings of truth ...... pissssssss offffffffffffffffffffff