Friday, August 7, 2015

ox muzzle

jurnie!!  interesting ..... losses reappearing but they are still losses.  so are they not there?  are they not here?  maybe matters not.
i smagrin.  although my stomach aches for filling, i still feel somewhat healthy.  thank You for that.  thank You for the coming weekend!  thank You for approving my stand offishness.  i like seeing the boys take ownership and act responsibly.  and then i help when needed.  this is awesome!  today in a few hours, another step to hopeful stability!  thank You for confirming to my stances that i am not wrong.  but do encourage the lazy to not be.  demons of laziness and spite.  weak fathers of the weak fathers.  igoalone.  i am interested in my future lair.  i am totally just standing aside and watching You do Your work.  Your planning.  Your preparing.  Your awesomeness!

jurnie, You also know who and what is in the back ground of my mind.  not just hope, but trust.  one has left.  one has run.  one has a good pairing.  one is instructed.  one is excused.  and right now, one is in the forefront of my gratitude.

still, i don't want to be.  and unable to speak?  i dare not scream!